This compelling Emmy Award winning documentary shows the dirty side of hydraulic fracturing and natural gas, an energy source the industry touts as a clean alternative to fossil fuels.


Emmy GOOD PITCH wild scenic
new visions Tunisia Vail docuweeks


“’Split Estate’ is an eye-opening examination of the consequences and conflicts that can arise between surface land owners in the western United States, and those who own and extract the energy and mineral rights below.  This film is of value to anyone wrestling with rational, sustainable energy policy while preserving the priceless elements of cultural heritage, private enterprise above-ground, and the precious health not only of people but the land itself.” 

—Bill Richardson, Governor of New Mexico


“Split Estate is a moving portrait that highlights important questions regarding the safety of hydraulic fracturing near our local communities.”

—U.S. Representative Diana DeGette, Colorado


"You tell an important and compelling story. You have captured brilliantly the issues and are helping tell the story that needs to be spread to a much broader audience."

—Gwen Lachelt, Executive DIrector, The Oil and Gas Accountability Project


"'Split Estate' is a must-see film for any elected official who deals with natural resources issues and the impact that oil & gas extraction can have on a community. Anyone who sees the film will be changed by the experience - for the better."

—Brian Egolf, New Mexico State Representative


"The film was inspirational. I thought it portrayed very effectively the plight of communities, issues of human health , and environmental damage related to hydrofracking for gas deposits."

—Doug Couchon, Elmira, NY


"Informative and disturbing...Every member of congress should see this!"

—Anonymous viewer, Whittier, CA


"'Split Estate' details the oil and gas industry's controversial method of extracting minerals, called "fracking," and the adverse health effects many people claim they have suffered because of the drilling method."

—Daily Camera, Boulder, CO






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Latest News

Split Estate wins the Emmy for Outstanding Individual Achievement in a Craft: Research, at the 31st annual News and Documentary Emmy Awards, Congratulations to Researchers Mitchell Marti and Matt Vest, September 27, 2010

Split Estate is airing nationally on PBS in 2016 throughout the year.  Check your local listings for broadcast dates in your area.  Air dates begin the week of January 10, 2016.

Split Estate premiered in October 2009 on Planet Green, a network of Discovery Communications.